Monday, 24 August 2009

Redknapp tells Spurs players: Let's get carried away

Tottenham Hotspur boss Harry Redknapp has taken an unusual approach to Spurs' baffling 100 percent start to the season, urging his players to "go out and let their hair down."

Perennial mid-table outfit Tottenham have opted for an unorthodox route to their standard 50 points this term with nine already clocked up in the first three outings.

While a number of senior players in N17 have stressed the need to keep their feet on the ground, seasoned campaigner and unlicensed Hackey Wick Market trader Redknapp seems to have adopted a different strategy.

The former Portsmouth, Southampton and Portsmouth manager was carried into training this morning on a sedan chair wearing shoes made of 24-carat gold accompanied by a gospel choir singing Queen classic "We Are The Champions."

After a 4-hour session that mostly consisted of drinking games using a magnum of 1990 Cristal Brut champagne, Redknapp left Spurs Lodge after instructing his troops to "go fucking mental, we got this in the bag."

1 comment:

  1. How fucking dare you be rude about my beloved Spurs! We are quite obviously the best team in the country at the moment, far far better than Liverpool and Man Utd and have every chance of winning the league this year based on the the first 3 games of the season which is a far measure of how this league will pan out don't you think? Why don't you pick on someone like Celtic who obviously can take a joke not us poor downtrodden Spurs fans who are very touchy about the lack of league championships within the last 50 years! Will will get Top 4 this year, We WILL!!
